
paralab_1The ParaLab system (Parallel Laboratory) is an integrated software environment that enables both real parallel computations on a multiprocessor computing system and the simulation of such experiments on a personal computer with the ability to visualize the parallel processing of complex computational problems.


ParaLab provides the following:

  • Simulation of parallel computing systems.
  • Determining the computational experiment parameters.
  • Selection of visualization parameters.
  • Computational experiments.
  • Accumulation and analysis of computational experiment results.

ParaLab supports the following methods for executing real computational experiments:

  • on a single computer with a message-passing library MPI (multithreaded execu-tion); this library has a public version that can be downloaded from the internet and installed on computers running the MS Windows operation system;
  • on a real multiprocessor computational system;
  • in remote access mode for the computational clusters.

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