
Supercomputing Center of University of Nizhni Novgorod (UNN-SCC) is a part of the national system of reseach and education centers for supercomputer technologies that was formed in Russia in 2011-2012 as a result of carrying out a project suggested by the President’s commission for modernization and technological development of Russian economy.

The main objectives of UNN-SCC are:

  • Development of computing resources of the UNN Supercomputing Center
  • Advancement of educational programs on training, retraining and in-service training in the field of supercomputing technologies and high-performance computing in reseach and educational organizations of Nizhni Novgorod
  • Contribution to the extention of scientific and applied research that uses supercomputing technology potential for solving the acute problems in the fields of education, science and industry.
  • Cooperation with the leading research and educational centers of our country in Supercomputing consortium of Russian universities.

Meeting the objectives includes solving of the following tasks of UNN-SCC:

  • Development of infrastructure of UNN-SCC’s research and educational activities
  • Development of existing, creating and use of new learning and teaching aids (educational programs, courses, textbooks, etc.).
  • Organization of scientific and applied research with the use of supercomputing technologies
  • Fulfilment of educational programs on initial training in the field of supercomputing technologies with the help of distance learning
  • Fulfilment of scientific and applied research with the use of supercomputing technologies
  • Organization of activities intended to promote the practical use of supercomputing technologies in educational, scientific and inductrial organizations of the Volga Federal District of Russia.
  • Extending international cooperation in the field of Supercomputing.
  • Orzanization and holding of methodological conferences, seminars and contests in HPC
  • Informing people on the achivements in HPC
  • Creation and maintenance of the information resources in HPC and organization of the remore access to the information resources.